Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What’s your favorite Halloweenish movie?

This is such a tough question, I know. We grew up with so many amazing Halloween movies. Some whimsical and silly like Halloweentown and Ghostbusters, and others terrifying and gruesome like Halloween and Psycho. I'd argue that much of the magic of halloween for our generation comes from the stories and images portrayed in these movies.

According to my very scientific survey, in which I asked what is everyone's favorite halloweenish movie, I discovered there was a 3 way tie between Halloweentown, Hocus Pocus, and Nightmare Before Christmas. All fabulous movies!!! They all make my top 10. Actually, because this is my blog, here are my top ten favorite Halloweenish movies and how they add to the magic of halloween!!!

10) Little Shop of Horrors

Ok, I saw this for the first time a few days ago and I felt deprived that I neither grew up knowing the play or movie. It put me in such a great mood! One could argue that this is not a halloween movie, but I said HalloweenISH, and it has "Horror" in the title!

9) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

"These are my friends, see how they glisten..." Now if this were a lit of my favorite plays, this one be in the number one slot, but as a Halloween movie its at number 9. The music is so great in this! Thank you Sondheim! Even now just thinking about it "A Little Priest" is stuck in my head... now "Pirelli's Miracle Elixer"... now "Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around"... now "By the Sea", now "We all deserve to die! Tell you why Mrs. Lovett, tell you why!" Ok I'll stop. But it's fabulous.

8) Nightmare before Christmas

Jack Skellington is such an iconic character... of Halloween in general, of Tim Burton, of various subcultures, etc. I have to say, I really miss claymation. There's something about it's choppiness or tangibility.... or maybe just the nostalgia of childhood it brings.

7) Halloween

The music to this movie is just absolutely haunting. I love it! Michael Myers and his knife... another iconic Halloween image!

6) Interview with the Vampire

This is one of my favorite books/movies.... and Claudia is the best character hands down! This is the movie where I got the term "vampire vision" for those who know what that references... haha. Not going to lie, there are some pretty attractive men in this movie, even if they are dead.

5) Ghostbusters

"When there's something strange... in the neighborhood... who ya gonna call?" I also rewatched these movies for the first time since childhood recently. Damn... they are so great. Giant Marshmellow man, making the statue of liberty walk around new york, pink jizzy slime in the subway system, it's pretty great stuff. I think people don't appreciate corniness and ridiculousness anymore, I feel if they were to make ghostbusters today with modern effects people would find it too ridiculous and cheezy. Wow, I sound old, "back in my day, when I was about your age little girl, stamps cost 32 cents," "what are stamps?"

4) Halloweentown

These are some other movies I should try to rewatch. Oh disney channel original movies...

3) Hocus Pocus

So, who else had a crush on the guy from the 1600's who got turned into an immortal cat? He's not as cute now... now that I'm older than him. I've been accused of being a cradle robber but I'm not that bad! I think the picture above are of Danielle, Jaymie, and I if we decide to deny all men and turn evil.

2) Sleepy Hollow

Ah yes, another Tim Burton/Johnny Depp collaboration. This movie is frightening, funny at parts, and has a good storyline. Even if all the blood looks slightly orange in this movie, who wouldn't be afraid of Christopher Walken as a Headless Hessian Horseman riding after who to claim your head?

1) Psycho

What death in a horror movie can be more iconic than when Janet Leigh is killed in the Bates Motel shower? Hitchcock mastered how to create horror without gore for during the whole scene, you never see the knife actually pierce flesh. Love this movie!

But yeah, those are my top 10, here is what everyone else said!!!

1. 30 days of night~ Alonso

2. One of those random Disney ones- Halloweentown I think?~ Andy D.

3. Hocus Locus (yes she had a typo bwahaha laugh at her!)~ Danielly sa

4. Halloweentowns~ Anders

5. Hellraiser Series~ Darren

6. Halloweentown!~ Meghan M.

7. Trick r Treat. Awesome movie~ Levi Boyd

8. Ghostbusters~ Matt D.

9. Hmmm I’d say nightmare before Christmas or The Exorcist~ Rich Lemay

10. Halloween~ Kike

11. Umm I guess the original dracula~ Happy Patt

12. Nightmare b4 xmas~ Jaymie sa

13. Hmmm not my fav but one at the top of my head is Trick or Treat~ Jon B.

14. Hocus Pocus~ Christine Duff

15. Nightmare before Christmas!~ Sean

16. Hocus Pocus… if anyone says anything different they are stupid~ Jennie

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